​​Defending Israel
Combating Jew-hatred
Happy Chanukah and Merry Christmas from the Partnership!
Dear Friends,
CAMERA's Partnership of Christians and Jews wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy Chanukah!
As we enjoy these festive holidays this week and next, let us also rejoice in Israel's victories over enemies who seek to destroy the Jewish State. Israel's current war is not yet over, but the Jewish State is winning battle after battle!
Since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th, 2023, the Jewish State has been actively engaged with evil forces on multiple fronts, all of which have been funded and directed by Iran. The good news is that we are seeing all of Iran's proxies - and Iran itself - greatly diminished in terms of their ability to carry out their destructive purposes against Israel.
Wars for survival in their ancient homeland are not new for the Jewish people. The eight-day festival of Chanukah - or Feast of Dedication - celebrates the Jewish victory over Greek occupiers who attempted to destroy Israel spiritually almost 2,200 years ago. The victory of the Maccabees over Antiochus Epiphanes IV culminated in the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem about 160 years before the birth of Jesus.
The Greek occupation of ancient Israel was a dangerous time for the Jewish people. The very survival of Jewish identity was at stake as the Greeks attempted to force the people of Israel to reject their belief in the one true God and accept the polytheism of the Greek Empire. Jews were expected to abandon their obedience to Torah and central tenets of Judaism such as Sabbath observance and circumcision were outlawed.
However, in the face of incredible persecution and against all odds, the Jews refused to reject their faith, drove the mightiest army on earth at the time from the land of Judea, rededicated the Temple in Jerusalem and lit the Temple menorah.
Because there are still enemies who seek to destroy the Jewish people one way or another, the celebration of that victory is just as relevant now as it was then! Ancient events remembered during this Festival of Lights provide an inspiring example for us today of the triumph of good over evil when people of faith resist forces of darkness.
This holiday season, Israel is physically engaged with enemies on multiple fronts. However, there is another battle against Israel's existence, waged through deceptive propaganda. At this time of the year - every year - one particularly offensive strategy employed by Christian propagandists is the propagation of the myth that Jesus was born a Palestinian.
According to their false narrative, there were no Jews in the land at the time Jesus was born. Therefore, Jesus could not be Jewish. Rather, Jesus was Palestinian because, according to the myth, Palestinians are the indigenous people of the land. The fact that this storyline is completely refuted by biblical and extrabiblical historic accounts matters not to those who rewrite Scripture and history in order to advance the Palestinian political agenda - which calls for the elimination of the Jewish State.
Please watch this 2-minute video for more information on the effort to delegitimize Israel through the propagation of lies, particularly during the Christmas season. And once you have watched it, please share it with everyone you know!
As the video concludes, there is no better time than NOW for Christians to connect with the Jewish roots of their faith and stand with their Jewish brethren in the face of soaring antisemitism and attacks on the Jewish State.
Christians can connect with those roots and demonstrate solidarity by sharing in the celebration of Chanukah - a holiday that is significant for Christians in two ways.
One: According to John 10:22-23, Jesus was in the Temple in Jerusalem for the Feast of Dedication. The very fact that Jesus observed this festival makes it relevant for Christians.
Two: If the Jewish army had not been victorious over the ancient Greeks, it is entirely possible that the Greeks would have been successful in their efforts to wipe out Jewish identity and observance in the land of Judea almost two hundred years before Jesus was born.
If that had happened, Jesus would not have been born as the recognizable, clearly identifiable Jew who is revealed as such throughout the Christian Testament. In other words, Jesus would not be who Christians know him to be and the events of his life would not have happened as revealed throughout the Scriptures. In short, there would be no Christmas without the events celebrated at Chanukah!
Another way for Christians to stand in solidarity is to pray for God's protection over Israel and Jewish people everywhere. Pray for success and protection for the Israel Defense Forces as they continue to fight - and win! - battles on multiple fronts against enemies intent on the destruction of Israel.
The festival of Chanukah is a testimony
to the victory of good over evil!
The victory of Chanukah was necessary
in order for there to be a Christmas!
And the celebration of Chanukah reminds us
Am Yisrael Chai!
The people of Israel live!
Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah!