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CAMERA Emergency Briefing:
Israel Under Attack

Dear Christian Leader,


The barrage of missiles fired on Israel from Gaza that began this past  Monday as Israelis celebrated Jerusalem Day has intensified  exponentially. As of this writing, over 1,300 rockets have been sent by  Hamas terrorists towards Israeli cities and towns from the Gaza border  to Tel Aviv and beyond. This picture from the Israeli Defense Forces  shows the range and density of the missiles shot in the last two days.


Israel’s  Iron Dome missile defense system successfully destroyed the majority of  those rockets. However, due to the sheer volume and frequency of  incoming missiles, many of them made direct hits on homes, vehicles, and  kindergartens, resulting in a number of deaths and even more wounded. 


To see a video from the IDF of incoming rockets being intercepted by the Iron Dome, click here and to see a recap of the last two days in Israel, click here.


In  addition to rocket attacks from without, Israeli citizens are in danger  from Arab riots and lynch attempts in cities from Jerusalem, to Tel  Aviv, to Lod, and as far north as Acco. This violence from within has resulted in serious injuries and the destruction of property and  synagogues.


In the central city of Lod, widespread Arab rioting on Tuesday included  the torching of synagogues, shops and cars. Lod's mayor, Yair Revivo,  said City Hall and a local museum were also attacked. He compared what  is currently happening in Lod to the Nazi Kristallnacht pogrom  of November 1938, during which hundreds of synagogues and Jewish  institutions throughout Germany, Austria, and the Sudetenland were  burned and destroyed.


To  learn more about these intense assaults on the Jewish State and the  factors contibuting to the violence, please join CAMERA research staff


THURSDAY, MAY 13th at 1pm EDT


for  an urgent briefing on the spreading Palestinian attacks against Israel,  many of which have either not been sufficiently reported in the media,  or in other cases, are distorted.



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